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7/14/22 Card of the Day, Whatcha Gotta Say ?!

Card of the Day, Whatcha Gotta Say?!

Are y’all feeling the effects of this Super Buck Moon?! Last night it was shining so bright it lit up my room and I have blackout curtains! Emotionally, I can really feel it working is magic! I been crying since yesterday! 

Deck: Medicine Woman Tarot

Card: #2 of Pipes

7-14-2022 Message: This card is the equivalent to the 2 of Wands. We are being called to recognize the time to act. There’s a time to work, to play, a time to be still/silent, and then a time to put action to the plan. We’ve been planning and plotting and now we’re being called to put some action behind the plan. It may not be today, per se. But this card is telling us to recognize when it is. 

No matter your current situation…. You got this! ….and there’s a whole Spirit squad behind you that’s got your back when you’re ready!

Remember, I love you and I’m rooting for you! ... and it is so. Asé.

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