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7/16/22 Card of the Day, Whatcha Gotta Say?!

Card of the Day, Whatcha Gotta Say?!

Peace y’all! Abundant Saturday! 

Deck: Medicine Woman Tarot

Card: Nurturing Lodge of the Bowls

7-16-2022 Message: This card is the equivalent to the Queen of Cups. It’s Saturday and Saturdays are meant for rest and relaxation. Maybe running some errands. Definitely not working a 12 hour shift like I am today.

This week has been a long week with the Super Buck Full Moon we had and all of the waves and tides that came with it. I encourage you all to rest and reflect today. Spend time with your tribe. Nurture your spiritual family.

I challenge you: Go to the grocery store and get some soul food to prepare for tomorrows Sunday dinner. Actually sit at the dinner table, pray together and talk with your loved ones about how they are feeling and plans for the upcoming week. Connect and nurture the relationships that mean the most to you. Then check in with me Monday and tell me about it. I’ll provide free personal readings to anyone who completes the assignment. 

Remember, I love you and I’m rooting for you!

... and it is so. Asé.

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